
تبرع لمجموعة حي سياتل

من خلال التبرع لمجموعة Seattle Neighborhood Group، فإنك تدعم بشكل مباشر مهمتنا لتعزيز السلامة والانتماء والمشاركة المجتمعية. تساعدنا مساهمتك في تعزيز مجتمعات أقوى وأكثر أمانًا من خلال شراكات ومبادرات هادفة. كل تبرع، كبير أو صغير، يحدث فرقًا في خلق مستقبل أكثر شمولاً وحيوية للجميع. انضم إلينا لإحداث تأثير دائم، فدعمك أمر بالغ الأهمية لنجاحنا.

تبرع الآن باستخدام PayPal →

طرق أخرى للعطاء

  • Double Your Impact with Matching Gifts!

    Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours as well. Most of these workplace giving programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! We recommend you check with your HR department.

  • Donate Stock

    Electronic Transfer

    If your stock is held in brokerage account, your broker can transfer your gift electronically. He or she will need the following information:

    Receiving broker: TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc.

    Receiving brokerage DTC #: 0188

    SNG Account Number: 941-610-801

    Receiving Institution Account Name: Seattle Neighborhood Group

    When your stock is received in our account, unfortunately, we do not receive any information that identifies you as the donor. Therefore we kindly ask that you please alert us in advance about the stock and number of shares you plan to donate. You may notify us by emailing Beth Steinhaus at beth@breakwater.com or calling (206) 621-8832. Be sure to provide your name and address so that we may acknowledge your gift with a receipt.

  • Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)

    A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individuals, families and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash and publicly-traded stock to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program. You can direct a gift from your DAF by searching for Seattle Neighborhood Group by name or by our tax ID number, which is 94-3098473.

  • Gifts That Cost You Nothing Now

    Gifts in a will and gifts by beneficiary designation are two easy ways to make gifts that will have an impact on community safety for generations to come — and they don’t cost anything now.

    Gifts in a Will

    A gift in your will is one of the easiest ways to create your legacy of supporting community safety in our communities.

    If you would like to make a gift to Seattle Neighborhood Group in your will, please add a specific bequest that includes:

    • Legal Name: Seattle Neighborhood Group
    • Legal Address: 1810 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122
    • Tax ID number: 94-3098473
    • Dollar amount or percentage of the gift

    Gifts by Beneficiary Designation

    A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support community safety in our neighborhoods. You can designate Seattle Neighborhood Group as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.

    If you would like to make a gift to Seattle Neighborhood Group as a beneficiary of your workplace or personal retirement plan, please request a beneficiary update form from your HR department or the company that holds your IRA. You will need to provide them with the following:

    • Legal Name: Seattle Neighborhood Group
    • Legal Address: 1810 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122
    • Tax ID number: 94-3098473

    Once you have made us a beneficiary of your estate or retirement plan, please let us know. We would love to acknowledge your gift! Making a legacy gift is a meaningful way to support the community in the future while demonstrating your values in a lasting and impactful way. Please contact us with any questions and thank you for your support!

  • Loyalty & Rewards Programs

    One of the easiest ways to support Seattle Neighborhood Group is through the various companies that offer loyalty or rewards programs that support nonprofits.

    Fred Meyer Rewards

    Support Seattle Neighborhood Group through the Fred Meyer Rewards Program.

    Fred Meyer donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Fred Meyer Community Rewards organizations. You can support Seattle Neighborhood Group by logging into your account and linking your Rewards Card to Seattle Neighborhood Group.

    Fred Meyer →
  • Donate a Vehicle

    Have a car you no longer want, picked up free of charge?  Running or not. Click here to donate your vehicle to Seattle Neighborhood Group today!  We thank you, in advance, for supporting our cause with the proceeds of your donation.

    Donate a Vehicle →

طرق أخرى للمشاركة

يمكنك التطوع معنا بعدة طرق... يمكنك تنظيم عملية تنظيف في مجتمعك، أو استضافة ورشة عمل، أو التواصل مع مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يرغبون في القيام بنوع آخر من الخدمة في المجتمع. تواصل معنا على info@sngi.org ويمكننا أن نوصلك إلى المكان الذي تريد الذهاب إليه!

تواصل معنا لمعرفة كيف يمكنك المشاركة

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