تعرف على مجلس الإدارة لدينا

أعضاء مجلس الإدارة لدينا هم مجموعة متنوعة من الأفراد الملتزمين الذين يجلبون ثروة من الخبرة والعاطفة والرؤية لمنظمتنا. إنهم مكرسون لتوجيه مجموعة حي سياتل نحو مستقبل مستدام مع الحفاظ على مهمتنا.

الرئيس المشارك

أبيجيل تشاندلر

آبي تشاندلر هو مدير الإستراتيجية في مركز فريد هاتشينسون لأبحاث السرطان. من خلال دورها، تتولى آبي مسؤولية تسهيل جميع أنشطة التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتشرف أيضًا على برنامج تحسين العملية التنظيمية. التحقت بمدرسة الدراسات العليا في جامعة واشنطن وهي مقيمة في بيكون هيل.

الرئيس المشارك

تيني ميلنور

تييني ميلنور هي مديرة مساعدة للمدعي العام في قسم العدالة الجنائية بمكتب المدعي العام. تييني من مواليد سياتل وتخرج من كلية الحقوق بجامعة سياتل.

أمين صندوق

روكي فونج

روكي فونغ هو مدير مجتمع في سياتل، واشنطن لشؤون تنمية المجتمع والأعمال. وهو سفير محلي لشركة تشيس، حيث تتمثل مهمته في بناء وتعزيز العلاقات مع قادة المجتمع الرئيسيين والشركاء غير الربحيين والشركات الصغيرة على مستوى الحي.

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    Rocky hosts financial health workshops, facilitates non-profit partnerships and offers community programming. He is helping to advance racial equity by supporting Black and Latinx communities with tools and resources to help them improve their financial wellbeing.

    With over 18 years of experience in the financial services industry, Rocky has held a number of positions including Wholesale Banking Credit Team Lead, Region Small Business Team Lead, Branch Manager, District Manager of Strategic Partnership, and Senior Credit Manager. Prior to this role, Rocky served as Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility at U.S. Bank.

    Rocky is currently serving on several local non-profit organizations as an executive board member, including Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council (NWMMSDC), the Chinese Information Service Center (CISC), and Seattle Neighborhood Group (SNG). With his accomplishments and leadership in business, charitable, and community activities, he was nominated as one of the honorees for the 2019 Puget Sound Business Journal (PSBJ) 40 Under 40. He was also nominated as the President of Ascend Seattle Chapter in 2020, the largest non-profit Pan-Asian organization for business professionals in North America with over 40 student chapters and 18 professional chapters across the US and Canada.

    Rocky was born and raised in Hong Kong, and has resided in Seattle with his family since 1997.


ليلاني دن

درست ليلاني دان التغذية وعلوم الأغذية من جامعة ولاية كاليفورنيا بوليتكنيك، سان لويس أوبيسبو. وهي مسوقة أغذية مخضرمة، وهي حاليًا مديرة التسويق لجمعية تنمية المأكولات البحرية الإقليمية في خليج بريستول، وهي منظمة يمولها الصيادون.

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    She heads the marketing program for their brand, Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon. Lilani sits on the Northwest Fisheries Association Board and the City of Hope’s Pacific Northwest Food Industries Circle Board. Lilani and her family reside in Skyway where she enjoys volunteering with the West Hill Association.

عضو مجلس الإدارة

الانغماس في آرجو

تعمل Mergitu Argo حاليًا كأخصائية في المشاركة المجتمعية في لجنة شرطة المجتمع في سياتل. عملت سابقًا كضابطة خدمة مجتمعية في قسم شرطة سياتل في مدينة سياتل.

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    Mergitu formerly worked as a PEACE coalition prevention coordinator and formerly worked as South King County lead organizer for One America for 4 years doing advocacy work for refugee and immigrant communities. She has served the region’s refugee and immigrant communities as a case manager and family advocate for 25 years working for nonprofits.

    Mergitu volunteers with various community-based organizations in King County. She served in the Seattle Women’s Commission for 6 years and has been a board of director for various nonprofits that work for underserved communities. Currently she is a board member at Drivers Union of Washington State in Seattle.  She is very committed to working to address the root causes of injustice, building power, and creating equitable changes in the refugee and immigrant communities. She is a well-known activist for human rights and justice for all here in our state and nationally.

    Mergitu have received various awards for the work she has been doing over the years, from the U.S Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s in 2016 community policing week award and in 2018 from Senator Rebecca Saldana Community Spirit award and from Congress member Adam Smith in 2019 Champion of Justice award. She also received the Chief’s Award in 2021, from Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz. Mergitu is a mother of a beautiful daughter who is a 4th year college student and is a very proud mother. She was formerly the chairperson for the East African Advisory Council for the Seattle Police Department. She is multilingual, speaking Amharic and Afaan Oromo languages. During her free time Mergitu enjoys spending time with her family and goes out to eat at different restaurants with her family.

عضو مجلس الإدارة

أندرا موغان

أندرا هي مديرة التعليم الخاص في منطقة توكويلا التعليمية، ومقيمة في ساوث بارك. تشمل خدمة أندرا في قطاع التعليم أدوارًا بدءًا من معلم التربية الخاصة وحتى مدير المدرسة.

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    Andra was drawn to Seattle Neighborhood Group by the work SNG did in the community to engage youth, and supports our commitment to bringing the community together to solve challenging problems while celebrating our strengths as a community.

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